Don't Forget to Wipe

Heatin’ One Up

It’s a full week’s preparation, coming up with all of the tunes for your Sunday night ride on Rory’s Carousel of Love.  Well, Rory’s ready and he hopes you are too.  Tune in at 7pm Central Time, for two hours (at least) of steamy hot goodness, right out of the oven.

Want to get your request on the Carousel?  You can add a comment to this post, and it’ll magically appear in Rory’s big Inbox.  Rory doesn’t mind stepping next door to the Archive Room to pull one out for you.

Clamp Your Hands, Stab Your Feet…

They yanked it out by the ROOTS and Rory wants to tell you about his new hole.

Sunday at 7pm, you know the DRILL, it’s another two hours (at least) of RORY RADIO, live from Liberated Roseland, in Topeka’s most exclusive gated community.

Whether you want to hear one of the great Rory Radio staples, have something new in mind, or have a long distance dedication to send out to your sweetie… you can get your requests in by adding a comment to this post, which automatically sticks it right in Rory’s big Inbox.  Get Down With It, and don’t forget to join Rory in the Shat Room.  Look for him on AOL IM, code name Rory Borealus.

And how ’bout those Royals?