Don't Forget to Wipe

Driving You Home and Making You Like It

Rory’s out of the coma this week.  Have Some. JP

Hello, loyal listeners, get behind the wheel with Rory Radio at 7PM Central Time tonight!  There’ll be a few Sandy tunes going out to the hellstorm that tore up the east coast, along with some familiar Rory Radio staples, and of course, your requests.

The friendly folks at Seitz Motors remind you to know that extra value is what you get, when you drive an old Shitty Dodge Coronet.

You’re not offended by nudity, are you?


Land of Booty

Calling all Paxicans…  pile into the ’68 Chevy Impala for two hours (at least, Merle) of RORY RADIO.

Be sure to put June 29, 2013 on your calendars– it’s the 5th annual Meatloaf and Car Show in beautimous Paxico, Kansas, population 211.

Rory will be singing about Paxico at some point in tonight’s Big Stream, so wade right in and join him for the fun.  Your requests are always welcome, musical or otherwise.  There’s room in the Shat Room, no reservations required.  Look for AOL IM RoryRadio and say, Let Me In, Wee-oop!